Selasa, 17 November 2009

The Secret of Moslem Smile

When you open the sheet Sirah (history) Muhammad's life., You will never stop amazed to see the glory and greatness of the Prophet personally.

Side is visible from the greatness of poise and harmony within each behavior, his attitude in using all means to melt hearts of every person in every opportunity.

Facility greatest Muhammad did. the missionary and his behavior is, movements that do not cost much, does not require an abundance of energy, down from the lips to the next entry into the very depths of the heart.

Do you ask their effectiveness in influencing the mind, eliminate pain, cleanse the soul, destroy the barriers between human child!. That sincerity that flows from the two clean lips, that smile!

That smile that was recorded on the Qur'an as the story of Solomon, when he said to an ant,

"Then he smiled with a laugh because (hear) words that the ants. And he prayed: "O my Lord, grant me the inspiration to keep your ingratitude towards which You have bestowed to me and to my parents, and to work righteousness that you ridhai; And join me with your grace into groups servants thy the pious ". An Naml: 19

A smile that is always out of Noble's lips Muhammad., In any manner. He smiled when he met with his friend. When his anger or when he was in the tribunal of justice even.

فهذا جرير - رضي الله عنه - يقول - كما في الصحيحين -: ما حجبني رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - منذ أسملت, ولا رآني إلا تبسم في وجهي.

Jabir narrated in sahih (validity) Bukhari and Muslim, said, "Since I converted to Islam, the Prophet was never away from me. And he did not see me unless he would smile at me. "

One time Muhammad saw. visited a Bedouin Arab, the way, simply he is rude to draw Muhammad scarves., so that the neck of his red marks. Bedouin's loud, "O Muhammad, tell your friends to treasures from Baitul Maal!(center of charity, like central bank now) Muhammad. turned to him and smiled. Then he told his friend to give the treasure of the Baitul Maal to him. "

When he gave the penalty against people who are late and did not participate in the war Tabuk, he was still smiling listening to their reasons.

يقول كعب - رضي الله عنه - بعد أن ذكر اعتذار المنافقين وحلفهم الكاذب: فجئته فلما سلمت عليه تبسم تبسم المغضب, ثم قال «تعال». فجئت أمشي حتى جلست بين يديه.

Ka'ab ra. said after revealing the reasons hypocrites and their perjury:

"I went to Muhammad., When I say hello to him, he smiled, the smile of an angry person. Then he said, "Come here. So I approached him and sat in front of him. "

One time Muhammad saw. through the mosque in which there are some friends who were discussing the problems previous ignorance, he passed and smiled at them.

He smiled from his lips a soft, noble holy nan, until the end of the seconds his life.

- يقول أنس - كما في الصحيحين -: بينما المسلمون في صلاة الفجر من يوم الإثنين وأبو بكر يصلي بهم لم يفجأهم إلا رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - قد كشف ستر حجرة عائشة, فنظر إليهم وهم في صفوف الصلاة. ثم تبسم يضحك!

Anas bin Malik said, narrated in sahih Bukhari and Muslim, "When the Muslims are in the dawn prayer, on Monday, while Abu Bakr became their priests, when they were struck by Muhammad. which opened hijab Ayesha's room. He saw the Muslims were praying in a row, then he smiled at them! "

So, no wonder he was able to melt hearts of his friends, his wives, and everyone who met him!

Touching Hearts

Muhammad. have melted anyone's heart with a smile. He was able to "bewitch" the heart with a smile. He raised hopes with a smile. He was able to remove the hard-hearted attitude with a smile. And he s.a.w.  ordered his people to adorn themselves with this noble morals. Even a smile as he made the race in the good land. Messenger of Allah. said,

فقال: (وتبسمك في وجه أخيك صدقة) رواه الترمذي وصححه ابن حبان.

"Your smile in front of your brother is charity." Tirmidhi in validity.

Although already very clear and explicit instructions of the Prophet and his immediate practice this, but you still saw so many people are still applicable Part hard on family members, household tehadap not spread from the lips and the smile of his sincerity.

You feel that some people-for being sullen and sour faces, thought that the teeth are part of the private parts should be covered! Where they are in front of the guide this great Prophet! It's far from the example of their Prophet.!

Yes, sometimes you pass your hours with sorrow-ridden, or occupied a variety of jobs, but you always surly, scowling and holding a smile that is charity, then for the sake of God, this is a tough-minded behavior, which should not happen. Wal iyadzubillah.

Influence Smile

Some people when talking about the smile, linked with the psychological impact on the people who smile. To link fine, that most people probably would agree that. However, Muslims regard this with other glasses, ie glasses of worship, that the smile is part of the example of the Prophet. the sunna and value of worship.

The experts from the Muslim and non-Muslims see a wisp of a smile very big influence.

Dale Carnegie in his famous book, "How You Make Friends and Influence People" tells:

"The face is a mirror that is right for one's mood. A cheerful face, a smile full of natural, genuine smile is the best means of getting friends and co-operation with other parties. His smile is more precious than a gift that a man's gift. And more interesting than lipstick and powder stuck to the face of a woman. Proof of love sincere smile and genuine friendship. "

He continued, "I ask each of my students to smile at certain people once every pekannya. One student came to meet with vendors, he said to him, "I choose to smile at my wife, she did not know at all about this. The result is my new found happiness that I felt before is not the end all these years. That makes me happy smile every time I met with people. Every person returned my tribute to implement solemn and race-to-me service. Therefore, I feel life is more fun and easier. "

Joy overflows when Carnegie added, "Remember, that does not smile at all costs, even with great effect. Not be a poor man who gave him, will add rich precisely for those who get it. The smile did not take a long-winded, but everlasting imprint in the memory until the end of life. No one indigent who do not have it, and no one was rich who do not need it. "

What we really need socialization and awareness guide this noble Prophet to the people. With the intention ILALLAH taqarrub-yourself approach to God Almighty through smiles .-, starting with ourselves, our homes, together with our wives, our children, our work together. And we never felt the slightest loss! In fact we will lose, lose the world and religion, when we hold a smile, holding this charity, with the always surly and sullen in life.

Experience shows that positive and effective impact of the smile, the smile of a preliminary as to straighten out the wrong people, and the Prolegomena while denying that evil.

People who are not miserable sullen but himself. Surly means forbidden to enjoy this world. And for anyone who want to spread a smile, forever he will be pleased and happy. Allahu a'lam

Senin, 16 November 2009

love what they are

My husband is an engineer, I love its natural and I love the warm feeling that comes in my heart when I leaned on his broad shoulders.
Three years of courtship, and two years of marriage, I must admit, that I began to feel tired, the reason I love her first 2 have been transformed into something dull.
I am a sentimental woman and right-2 sensitive and sentimental. I missed romantic moments like a child who wants candy. But all that I never got. My husband is far different from what I expected. His taste less sensitive. And inability to create a romantic atmosphere in our marriage has been failed all my hopes will be an ideal love.
One day, I ventured to tell him my decision, that I wanted a divorce. “Why?”, He asked with surprise. “I’m tired, you can never give the love I want”
He was silent and pensive throughout the night in front of the computer, it looks as if he were doing something, but it is not. My disappointment grew, a man who can not even express their feelings, what else can I expect from him? And finally he asked, “What can I do to change your mind?”.
I looked into her eyes and replied softly, “I have a question, if you can find the answer in my heart, I will change my mind:
If I like a beautiful flower in the cliff of the mountain and we both know that if you climb the mountain, you will die. Are you going to do it for me? “He mused, and finally said,” I’ll give the answer tomorrow. “
My heart immediately upset to hear the response. The next morning, he was not at home, and I found a piece of paper with  handwriting under a glass of warm milk that said ….
“Honey, I’m not going to take that interest you, but allow
me to explain why. “The first sentence of this break my heart. I continue to read it.
“You can type in the computer and always disrupt the program in its PCs and eventually crying in front of the monitor, I have to give my finger in order to help and improve the program.”
“You always forget your keys when you leave the house, and I have to give my legs so I could break the door, and opened the door for you when he came home.”.
“You like to go for 2 out of town but always stray in new places that you visit, I had to wait at home to be able to give my eyes to direct you.”
“You’re always sore-2 at the time ‘your best friend’ to come each month, and I have to give my hand to massage your feet are sore.”
“You like to stay home, and I always worry you will be ‘weird’. And I have to buy something that can entertain you at home or lend my tongue to tell funny things that I experienced.”
“You’re always staring at your computer, reading books and that’s not good for the health of your eyes, I must keep my eyes when we are old so later, “
“My hands will hold your hand, guide you through the beach, enjoying the morning sun and the beautiful sand. Telling-2 flower colors shining and beautiful like a beautiful face”.
“But my dear, I’m not going to take the flowers to die. Because, I could not see tears flowing cried my death.”
“My dear, I know, there are many people who could love you more than I love you.”
“For that love, if all that has given my hands, my legs, my eyes, not enough for you. I could not help you find the hands, feet, and the other eye can be happy.”
My tears fell on his writing and makes the ink is blurred, but I still try to read it. “And now, my dear, you’ve read my answer selasai. If you are satisfied with all these answers, and still want to live in this house, please open the door of our house, I was standing there waiting for your answer.”
“If you are not satisfied, my dear, let me in to clean up my things, and I’m not going to complicate your life. Believe me, if you’re happy.”.
I immediately ran to open the door and saw him standing in front of the door with a curious face while his hand holding my favorite milk and bread.
Oh, now I know, no one has ever loved me more than he loves me.
That love, when we feel love it has faded from our hearts because we feel he can not give love in ways that we want, then love is actually present in another form that we never imagined.
Often what we need is to understand the manifestation of love from our spouse, and not expect a particular form.
My husband is an engineer, I love its natural and I love the warm feeling that comes in my heart when I leaned on his broad shoulders. Three years of courtship, and two years of marriage, I must admit, that I began to feel tired, the reason I love her first 2 have been transformed into something dull.
I am a sentimental woman and right-2 sensitive and sentimental. I missed romantic moments like a child who wants candy. But all that I never got. My husband is far different from what I expected. His taste less sensitive. And inability to create a romantic atmosphere in our marriage has been mementahkan all my hopes will be an ideal love.
One day, I ventured to tell him my decision, that I wanted a divorce. “Why?”, He asked with surprise. “I’m tired, you can never give the love I want”
He was silent and pensive throughout the night in front of the computer, it looks as if he were doing something, but it is not. My disappointment grew, a man who can not even express their feelings, what else can I expect from him? And finally he asked, “What can I do to change your mind?”.
I looked into her eyes and replied softly, “I have a question, if you can find the answer in my heart, I will change my mind:
If I like a beautiful flower in the cliff of the mountain and we both know that if you climb the mountain, you will die. Are you going to do it for me? “He mused, and finally said,” I’ll give the answer tomorrow. “
My heart immediately upset to hear the response. The next morning, he was not at home, and I found a piece of paper with oret-2an hand under a glass of warm milk that said ….
“Honey, I’m not going to take that interest you, but allow
me to explain why. “The first sentence of this break my heart. I continue to read it.
“You can type in the computer and always disrupt the program in its PCs and eventually crying in front of the monitor, I have to give my finger-2 in order to help and improve the program.”
“You always forget your keys when you leave the house, and I have to give my legs so I could break the door, and opened the door for you when he came home.”.
“You like to go for 2 out of town but always stray in new places that you visit, I had to wait at home to be able to give my eyes to direct you.”
“You’re always sore-2 at the time ‘your best friend’ to come each month, and I have to give my hand to massage your feet are sore.”
“You like to stay home, and I always worry you will be ‘weird’. And I have to buy something that can entertain you at home or lend my tongue to tell funny things that I experienced.”
“You’re always staring at your computer, reading books and that’s not good for the health of your eyes, I must keep my eyes when we are old so later, I still can mengguntingkan help ubanmu nails and pluck.”
“My hands will hold your hand, guide you through the beach, enjoying the morning sun and the beautiful sand. Telling-2 flower colors shining and beautiful like a beautiful face”.
“But my dear, I’m not going to take the flowers to die. Because, I could not see tears flowing cried my death.”
“My dear, I know, there are many people who could love you more than I love you.”
“For that love, if all that has given my hands, my legs, my eyes, not enough bagimu.Aku could not help you find the hands, feet, and the other eye can be happy.”
My tears fell on his writing and makes the ink is blurred, but I still try to read it. “And now, my dear, you’ve read my answer selasai. If you are satisfied with all these answers, and still want to live in this house, please open the door of our house, I was standing there waiting for your answer.”
“If you are not satisfied, my dear, let me in to clean up my things, and I’m not going to complicate your life. Believe me, if you’re happy bahagiaku.”.
I immediately ran to open the door and saw him standing in front of the door with a curious face while his hand holding my favorite milk and bread.
Oh, now I know, no one has ever loved me more than he loves me.
That love, when we feel love it has faded from our hearts because we feel he can not give love in ways that we want, then love is actually present in another form that we never imagined.
Often what we need is to understand the manifestation of love from our spouse, and not expect a particular form.

give all to love

Give all to love;
Obey thy heart;
Friends, kindred, days,
Estate, good-fame,
Plans, credit, and the Muse,-
Nothing refuse.
‘Tis a brave master;
Let it have scope:
Follow it utterly,
Hope beyond hope:
High and more high
It dives into noon,
With wing unspent,
Untold intent;
But it is a god,
Knows its own path,
And the outlets of the sky.
It was not for the mean;
It requireth courage stout,
Souls above doubt,
Valor unbending;
It will reward,-
They shall return
More than they were,
And ever ascending.
Leave all for love;
Yet, hear me, yet,
One word more thy heart behoved,
One pulse more of firm endeavor,-
Keep thee today,
To-morrow, forever,
Free as an Arab
Of thy beloved.
Cling with life to the maid;
But when the surprise,
First vague shadow of surmise
Flits across her bosom young
Of a joy apart from thee,
Free be she, fancy-free;
Nor thou detain her vesture’s hem,
Nor the palest rose she flung
From her summer diadem.
Though thou loved her as thyself,
As a self of purer clay,
Tho’ her parting dims the day,
Stealing grace from all alive,
Heartily know,
When half-gods go,
The gods arrive.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

18 kinds of smile

According to Drs. Paul Ekman, psychology, University of California at San Francisco, there are 18 kinds of smiles. Each smile using a combination of a slightly different muscles and convey different messages. Among the types of smiles among others:
1.A forced smile, a smile that was not intentional spread to the eye.
2.Grin, pulling back the corner of his mouth, thus showing teeth.
3.Closed mouth smile, this smile is a sign of appreciation, is a polite way.
4.Open smile, smile shows teeth over and told others that he wanted to meet.
5.His lips pursed, if someone pursed her lips, it means he feels attracted to the opposite sex.
6.Lips tense, states of tension or disagreement in the liver.
7.Bit seeds, if someone bit her lower lip and shook his head, this person is expressing his anger.
8.Finger touching the index finger in a vertical lip, said please calm down.
9.Finger finger touching the lower lip and mouth slightly open, declared, I want to talk to you.
Body Talk, L.A. Justice, 2000, over language, body language, Nan Irwin Lim Sen, Interaksara, 2000

6 ways to make people smile

1. Write a message on a beautiful card that contains the words that are supportive to your friend is in trouble, or those who need it. In the SMS has dominated era, you may not be fully realized, the sentence was handwritten very personal nature that have special meaning for those who receive it.
2. In this busy all the time, an invitation to lunch or tea in the afternoon at home became very rare. Invite some of your closest friends to sample the simple dishes you made on the back porch of the house. This opportunity you can use to exchange stories very rarely done because it consumed by the busyness of work and family care.
3. Give your friend a book insipiratif. He will be grateful and always remember you every time he opened the book.
4. If you happen to have the free time, try asking your friends or relatives if they want to spend time with your partner while baby-toddler. Time for themselves or only with spouse for a family friend who has often become a happy moment for them.
5.Visit your friend who was sick with a favorite flower or favorite foods to bawakanlah friend who was experiencing stress or problems that made him sad.
6. Ask yourself as a volunteer in the neighborhood where you live, whether in religious organizations or in other community organizations, without being asked. You would not know that your good help and great significance for others who need it. If you’ve done the above tips, do not forget to start with the most basic things, namely smile from the heart!

Let's Smile

Smiles and laughter Creating Longevity Political experts may be busy analyzing. Whereas
secrets of power and longevity of Suharto’s just
one. He was always smiling in every appearance.
For a movie that was Patch Adams, a statement in
above is not nonsense. Smile and laugh a
basic concepts of healing for a doctoral degree
Health who are still living in the West
Virginia, United States.
As shown in the film, through smiles and laughter,
many old farts patients and children succeed
healed, or healed by itself.
“If you smile, their brains out seretonin
that enhance their immune system, “
Patch Adams said so caught dean of faculty
medical college where he was, when he was invited
joked the patients in the ward.
Forced smile
Adams opinion about that smile then popular in
healing the world. Citing the research of experts
health, a magazine now? Psychology Today?
been lowered advice, “If you look at
someone without a smile, give them a little
smile you have. “
The reason of the same advice. When someone
smile, no matter how unhappy people are
such, their brains will issue a number of substances
chemicals that not only enhance the immune system
body, but it also provides lift for
one’s psychological condition. A lifter
Load soul, so to speak.
Even more remarkable, from the research was also known
that even as instructed only the face
a smile, someone will benefit
The same psychological with people who truly
In other words, if only pretending to be happy,
but with a smile of people can make themselves
become more healthy and happy coincidence. This is
making process of aging a person becomes blocked.
Associated with former president Soeharto, was
not entirely true to claim that the secret
age and length of power only because
by a smile. One thing is clear, Suharto’s
used to show the smile in every
appearance, to difficult to interpret
And that smile off whether genuine or feigned,
when referring to the results of earlier research experts,
known that the immune system of Soeharto always
rise thanks to the smile does it show.
385 Loss of Laughter
Benefits derived from the smile, according to experts,
it will further multiply when added
with laughter. As revealed by Joan Coggin, M.D.,
a cardiologist at? University School of Medicine?,
Loma Linda, United States, a child on average
laugh 400 times a day. Medium adult
average only laugh 15 times a day.
That means the loss of 385 adults with laughter
with age. “And have proof, laughing
beneficial for health, “said Coggin.
Referring to research that had ilakukannya, doctoral
It explains the medical field, laughing emberikan
relaxation and reduce stress.
“After raising the pressure until the amount ertentu
blood and heart rhythm, laughing straight
down again so perceptive sensors
enyebabkan increases and you can face the task of
better, “aparnya.
From other research, psychologist Alice M. Isen, h.D.,
from Cornell University also concluded, hey are
more comedy movies are better able to
enemukan creative solutions in solving problems
Study was conducted William Fry, M.D.,
professor from Stanford University, shows that
laughing increases heart rate and improve
circulation in the muscle tissue that helps travel
nutrients and oxygen to the tissues.
According to experts, the 20 minutes lol
laugh, level with five minutes of aerobics in the
rowing motion.